Create your own model
Black and white icon of a 6-sided die
Loading spinner
Loading spinner

Advanced settings

Negative prompt

Aspect ratio

Portrait 832x1248
Landscape 1248x832
Square 1024x1024


Loading spinner

No matching images

Aspect ratio icon
Aspect ratio
Negative prompt icon
Negative prompt
Random icon
Random prompt
Close button

Aspect ratio

Portrait 832x1248
Landscape 1248x832
Square 1024x1024

Negative prompt

User Ai image example

Right arrow icon
Choose the aspect-ratio you would like your images to be generated in.
Write a negative prompt so that it is not generated in the image.
Click to receive a random prompt in the prompt field.


Create your own model by clicking the + button or select one of our library models.


Use the name of your trained subject to create them. Write the prompt, then just Imagine.


Adjust the outcome using settings. Use the 'i' for more info. Settings can be closed.


See what others have created and use their prompts as a start. Click to copy a prompt.